What To Expect

Is there a dress code?

We do not have a dress code. All we ask is that you’re modest. There will be people dressed in suits and ties, but there will also be people dressed in jeans and t-shirts. Don’t stress out about what people will think of your clothing. We’re just happy to have you!

How will I know where to go when I get there?

We have two parking lots. If you’re accessing the lot on the west side, go up the front steps to the front of the building. Enter through the double glass doors. If you’re accessing the lot on the east side, go up the ramp into the double glass doors on the side of the building. Both entrances bring you to the Welcome Center and there should be someone to point you in the right direction. Just tell them you’re visiting. If you’re trying to find where the Bible classes take place, all the children’s classes take place on the basement level, which is accessed through stairs located to the side of the entrance doors. If you’re looking for the adult Bible class or the worship area, both are in the auditorium, which is right in front of the welcome area. 

Should I participate in the communion (Lord’s Supper)?

The communion is a fellowship and memorial ceremony between Jesus and the church. It is a way to unite the church in memory of Jesus’ sacrifice. This ceremony is only intended for the members of the Lord’s church, also known as Christians (Acts 2:38-42; 20:7; Lk. 22:29, 30).

Are there Bible classes for all ages, and where do the classes take place?

Yes! We have Bible classes for all ages, ranging from pre-k through 12th grade, as well as an adult Bible class. All of the children’s classes meet on the lower level. The adult Bible class is held in the auditorium (the same room as the worship service). To get to the classes on the lower level, take the stairs on the side after you enter the building.

Is there a nursery where I can take my kids during the service

Yes, the nursery is located downstairs and is the first room at the bottom of the stairs. There is also a bench located in the welcome area just outside the auditorium. You can take your young children there if they misbehave during worship, but we ask that you bring them back out as soon as you can so they can benefit from the worship as well. 

Can I make comments or ask questions during Bible class?

Our Bible classes are interactive, and your insight is appreciated and encouraged. Raise your hand to indicate to the teacher that you want to make a comment or ask a question. 

Is there handicap parking, and where is it located?

Yes, we have lots of convenient handicap parking at the east side of the building. This is also where our handicap ramp is accessible.

How does the giving process work?

Members are expected to give every Sunday (1 Cor. 16:1, 2). However, as a visitor, if you want to make a donation to help the church continue to operate and spread the good news, contribution baskets are passed around each Sunday after our congregation partakes in the communion.

Where should I sit during the Bible class or worship service?

You can sit anywhere you’d like. There is no reserved seating in our auditorium. Sit wherever makes you the most comfortable.

Will there be anything expected of me during the service?

In short, no. Other than your attention, participation in worship, and respect for God, nothing more is expected. Continue reading for more details.

At some points in the worship service, the song leader may ask the congregation to stand for a song or Bible reading for those who are able to do so. 

Also, during the communion, if you are not a member, you are not expected to participate. Those who do choose to participate in the communion (Lord’s Supper) will take individual servings that will be passed out at the appropriate time.

As a guest, you are not expected to give any money. The contribution baskets are passed around after the Lord’s supper for those who are members.

At the end of the sermon, anyone wishing to make their lives right with God are encouraged to come to the front row and speak with a minister. However, this can also be done in private after everyone else has left. All you have to do is talk to the minister who delivered the sermon or one of the elders, and we can help you in your walk with God. We NEVER want to put anyone on the spot or make anyone feel as though they are being pressured into doing anything.

Where do I take my kids?

For Bible class, the children can participate in their respective bible classes at the lower level. For worship, you can also take your kids to the nursery if they are misbehaving. Otherwise, we have all people in the auditorium of all ages for the worship service.

Are face masks required?

Face masks are NOT currently required as of the time of this writing (January 25, 2023). However, we want you to be as comfortable as possible, so feel free to wear one if you wish.

How long do services typically last? 

Bible classes are typically 40-45 minutes. The Sunday morning worship service is usually 1 hour, and concludes around noon.

Who do I talk to if I have questions after the service?

You can ask any of our leadership team, and they would be happy to answer any questions. Just ask for one of the ministers, and someone will point you in the right direction.

Do I need to give money to the church when I visit?

No! Guests are NEVER asked or expected to contribute. That is the responsibility of our members.

Have more questions?